Have you ever wanted to know how a multi-site church works. Do you want to consider taking your church multi-site. Join us for a conversation with Pastor Keith Battle of Zion Church as he breaks down the hows and whys of multisite ministry.
Guest Bio
Rev. Keith Battle is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Zion Church, which he started in the Summer of 2000, and now has five campuses around the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. Since its inception, Zion Church has grown to over 14,000 regular attendees and 70 full-time and part-time employees.
In addition to his role as Senior Pastor of Zion Church, he serves as the Chaplain for the Washington Wizards, and the President of Sagacity, LLC the company through which he provides executive coaching for business owners, entrepreneurs, and other church leaders.
Main Topic 1
Discover what precipitated the growth, how Rev. Battle got his start, and what led him to launch a church of his own.
Main Topic 2
Unpack what is required BEFORE a secondary location is launched, the people, the research, and the preparation.
Main Topic 3
Once you’ve adequately prepared, how do you make it solvent? Learn how the new location needs to sync with the parent church and how to tap in and grow in the new community you are occupying.
Main Topic 4
Get to know Rev. Battle!
Carryout anyone?
Additional Resources