Dr. Nicholas Pearce

November 14th, 10:50am – 10:55am – Transition & Intro Speaker Rev. Dr. Nicholas Pearce
November 14th, 10:55am – 11:40am – Session #8: Leading Organizational Change in Your Church – Rev. Dr. Nicholas Pearce

Churches are perfectly organized to get the results that they are currently getting. Are you a pastor or church leader of a legacy church seeking to set your congregation on a path to growth? This session is designed to equip you with the tools and insights necessary to lead effective organizational change within your church. Dr. Nicholas Pearce will lead us as we explore the unique challenges that come with transforming leadership structures, training practices, and church culture. We’ll discuss the importance of cultivating a clear vision and creating buy-in from your leadership team and congregation, ensuring that everyone is aligned and motivated for the journey ahead. In addition, we will learn practical tactics for implementing change, including assessing your current organizational dynamics, identifying improvement areas, and developing actionable strategies that lead to sustainable growth while respecting your church’s legacy.

You must have your Brushfire attendee number to access virtual summit.

Dr. Nicholas A. Pearce is a Chicago native and vocational multi-hyphenate committed to creating social impact at the intersection of the academy, the marketplace, and the church. An award-winning organizational behaviorist, trusted executive adviser, and respected Christian faith leader, Dr. Pearce serves as a Clinical Professor of Management & Organizations at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Vocati Group, a boutique global management consultancy. He is a celebrated TEDx speaker and the author of the bestselling book, The Purpose Path: A Guide to Pursuing Your Authentic Life’s Work.

Dr. Pearce is an acclaimed public scholar, keynote speaker, and management educator with expertise in purpose-driven leadership, organizational culture, negotiation strategy, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Through his work at Northwestern-Kellogg and The Vocati Group, Dr. Pearce has been privileged to serve leaders in over 200 of the world’s most prolific corporations, social impact organizations, communities of faith, and government agencies. Blessed with a shepherd’s heart and a scholar’s mind, Dr. Pearce is also an internationally sought after Christian minister. A gifted communicator and thoughtful expositor of the Scriptures, Dr. Pearce is frequently called upon to minister across cultural, generational, and denominational boundaries. Through his global work as an evangelist, conference speaker, and leadership trainer, as well as his previous work as a staff pastor for Chicago’s Apostolic Church of God and Apostolic Faith Church.

Dr. Pearce holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Management & Organizations from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, the M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and the S.B. in Chemical Engineering & Management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a concentration in Religious Studies earned in conjunction with Harvard Divinity School. Dr. Pearce resides in his hometown with his family.